Make it perfect

Achieving perfect quality with our products, or getting as near to it as possible, is what drives us at Broxton. One of our audio customers, whose products require the highest degree of precision and cosmetic perfection, have benefited from 99.998% quality. In fact, in the last 12 months, we have delivered over 26,700 parts and received only 2 returns. Considering the high cosmetic nature of audio parts and scrutiny applied, our performance over this period, if we do say so ourselves, is almost perfect!

The way we achieve this is firstly understanding exactly the customer needs and then committing all our resources to finding a process that delivers the solution efficiently and consistently.

This process isn’t always right the first time, but we continue to persevere and with our detailed and accurate quality check system we can analyse all waste streams together with identifying and prioritising corrective and preventative actions.

Hand in hand with quality the aim is to always find robust solutions to eliminate waste. Some parts are more demanding than others, with regards to dimensional tolerance and cosmetic finish but in developing a shared and common goal along with our inherent ‘make it perfect’ attitude builds strong relationships with customers that, in the many of cases, we’re pleased to say last decades.