
We provide accurate CNC forming services for light gauge sheet metalwork.

Accurate forming

At Broxton, we utilize world-class forming technology from Trumpf to deliver unparalleled precision in our manufacturing processes. Our high-quality multi-axis machine tools ensure accurate bends on both simple and complex parts, consistently achieving perfect angles. Our range of CNC forming machines offers the ideal capacity for small and large parts, accommodating varying levels of complexity.

The ability to complete operations in one setup significantly boosts production efficiency by minimizing part handling. Our highly skilled setter operators guarantee that every part is made accurately, repeatably, and efficiently. Additionally, our extensive tool library supports the creation of complex formed features with minimal investment in customer-specific tooling.

More On Forming

More on Forming

Accurate bends

A combination of accurate high quality machine tools and tooling from Trumpf, and skilled operators ensure bends are consistently accurate, benefiting overall product quality.

Efficient multi-bend operations

Broxton reduces operations and improves productivity by fully forming multi-bend parts in a single operation, fully utilising our investment in 3m long multi-axis machinery.

Contact our Sales Team

If you want to explore what we can do for your business, please contact us by phone, email or form.