
We provide skilled MIG and TIG welding services for light gauge sheet metalwork.

Skilled welding

At Broxton, our experienced welding team specialises in manual MIG and TIG welding. We proficiently handle both stitch and seam welds for ferrous and non-ferrous sheet metals, typically working with thin gauge materials ranging from 1-3mm. Our expertise encompasses both simple and complex welds, ensuring precision and quality where finish and tolerance is important. Additionally, our metal finishing facility provides a suitably extracted area for dressing welds, providing a polished look to welded components.

We also offer spot welding and stud welding services.

More On Welding

More on Welding


Ferrous and non-ferrous sheet metals, including mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium.

Weld types

Seam weld, fillet weld, plug weld, spot weld


Typically 1-3mm

Contact our Sales Team

If you want to explore what we can do for your business, please contact us by phone, email or form.